Stewartville Park Garage Floor Coatings
When it comes to your flooring we at Polytek Surface Coatings know that only the very best will do. This is why we strive to offer you the very best pricing, products and customer service. Let us take care of the confusion of surface coatings and help make your garage floor or office space a dream come true.
Stewartville Park Surface Coatings
Our wide range of services includes:
- floor coatings: for residential, commercial, and industrial applications
- floor coatings: for exterior needs such as sidewalks, patios and decking
- floor coatings: for public areas such as community centers, restrooms and schools
- storage cabinets; storage for garage, basement, and your work place
- storage racks: overhead storage racks to make use of that wasted storage space.
- Slatwall storage: make your wall a universal storage system with hooks, racks, shelves, bins and more
Selecting Your Application
Some of the many different application colors to choose from include:
- ¼ full broadcast chip blends in colors like tan, burlap, basil, denim, gravel, harvest and domino
- Quartz blends in colors like blue shadow, deep ocean, aquamarine, mossy green, stormy night, salmon and sage
When you are choosing your application color you need to think about your own personal tastes as well as the other colors and decors you are working with. We can help you select the right color and the right applications for your living space based on your unique tastes and budget.